OK, this dolt quickly had to walk back her "take Harry Reid out" allusions during her June 29th "Face to Face" TV interview with Jon Ralston. But, he never got to press her further and more dispositively on her precise intent for previously repeatedly using the phrase "Second Amendment remedies."
“You know, our Founding Fathers, they put that second amendment in there for a good reason and that was for the people to protect themselves against a tyrannical government. And in fact, Thomas Jefferson said it’s good for a country to have a revolution every 20 years.” “I hope that’s not where we’re going, but, you know, if this Congress keeps going the way it is, people are really looking toward those Second Amendment remedies and saying, ‘my goodness what can we do to turn this country around?’ I’ll tell you the first thing we need to do is take Harry Reid out.” - radio talk show interview with Lars Larsen
“The nation is arming,” she said. “What are they arming for if it isn’t that they are so distrustful of their government? They’re afraid they’ll have to fight for their liberty in more Second Amendment kinds of ways. That’s why I look at this as almost an imperative. If we don’t win at the ballot box, what will be the next step?” - interview with the Reno Gazette-JournalWe pretty much know what she intended (to the extent she can charitably be said to exude any cognitive/intentional clarity whatsoever). It was most plausibly simply dog-whistle nutcase-baiting intended to pry open the wallets of her obtuse hick Walter Mitty Militia wannabee demographic.
Absent that, it's essentially a call to armed sedition.
Above, the now-arrested buffoon contingent Michigan Hutaree Militia. I got news for all you delusional Manly-Legends-In-Your-Own-Minds militia clowns. Were any of you to actually initiate armed action against the government, you'd all be dead before sundown. Below, one of these Hutaree Heroes on "maneuvers" in the Michigan woods. Gotta love the lit cigarette. Can you say "heat-seeking predator drone air-to-surface missile"?

So, which is it, truly, Ms. Angle? Mere political dog whistling, or a call to armed violence against society?

- John Wilkes Booth
- Lee Harvey Oswald
- Sirhan Sirhan
- James Earl Ray
- Timothy McVeigh

Well, after she won the primary, her handlers hastily scrubbed her website.
Too late. It's been captured by multiple parties. Took me all of a couple of minutes to find and download the stuff into a PDF file. I'm fixin' to take you through a "greatest hits" tour shortly. Stay tuned. It's gonna take a while, given the barrel full of scaly, stinky (and sometimes just laughable) canards, and the fact that I now have a putatively non-existent government-created job, one that pays way more than my unemployment check that had ostensibly spoiled me into intractable "spoilage."
UPDATE: The Reid campaign has saved all of us the trouble. They too captured her original website, and have reposted it here:
___OCTOBER, 2010
OK, a month to go until the election. Detailed policy questions still in need of clarification, many of them stemming directly from the words posted on her original website:
"Assemblywoman, your original website stated that 'Social Security and its attendant Medicare are broken and bankrupt systems because we, as voting citizens, have allowed congress to transform these systems from insurance programs to and [sic] entitlement programs.'More to come...
"So, are you saying we shouldn't be permitted to vote? Moreover, are you not aware of the fact that these programs were in fact legislated to be both social safety net 'insurance' and 'entitlements,' the latter in light of the fact that once a worker has paid into the system in a lawfully sufficient amount and has reached the age of eligibility, that person is entitled to the stipulated benefits, without any requirement of 'means-testing'? Does this concept escape you and your BLM federal retiree pensioner husband? Do you yourself feel 'entitled' to the health care you receive as a covered spouse under your husband's retirement benefits?"
"Assemblywoman, your original website stated that 'Doctors and hospitals must receive timely payments and emergency rooms can no longer serve as primary care facilities for the uninsured.'"
"OK. Does it surprise you to learn that President Obama would agree with that, and that such goals are central to what you and others derisively call 'Obamacare'"?
"Relatedly, Assemblywoman, your original website stated that ' Defunding ObamaCare is essential to the economic survival of the United States.'"
"OK, let's see... Doctors and hospitals must receive timely payments (from whom unspecified), and the E.R. cannot continue to serve as the primary care facility for the uninsured (no argument there from Obama himself). Would you care to clarify for us just where the uninsured will get health care?"
"Additionally, Assemblywoman, are you unaware that the status quo and inexorable trend of U.S. health care expenditures are viewed by a breadth of actual experts in the field to pose a proximate threat 'to the economic survival of the United States'? Hence, the effort -- problematic as it may have turned out -- to develop a more rational and effective system?"
"Assemblywoman, you lambasted Senator Reid over his efforts on behalf of the MGM City Center rescue project, on the grounds that it was part of the Obama "Stimulus" legislation you so vigorously oppose -- when it was NOT, it was comprised entirely of private bank loans."
"Assemblywoman, is THIS the level of basic factual state-level unawareness Nevada citizens deserve from their senator? Would you please clarify?"
"Assemblywoman, you are on record as opposing gay marriage, and have also advocated outlawing adoption of children by gay people. Now, with respect to the latter point,
[1] since the only rational public interest in and rationale for prohibiting adoption is that of documented elevated risk to the child, would you care to cite for us the scientific evidence of such risk? And, relatedly,
[2] would you also necessarily, then, propose [a] forcibly removing to state foster custody children already adopted by gays and lesbians, and [b] passing laws forbidding gays and lesbians to even procreate in the first place to produce biological children not even in need of adoption?"
"Assemblywoman, you now claim you merely want to 'save' Social Security by returning to Al Gore's 'Lockbox' the $2.5 trillion worth of 'worthless government IOUs' now held in the Trust Fund -- Senator Reid, of course, having personally absconded with the actual cash -- while also cutting every tax in sight. Your proposal to eliminate the IRS, DOE, EPA, and Education Dept, would net you $100.7 billion of the money, or 4% of the way to your Lockbox goal (assuming you would put all of it into the Lockbox)."
Would you care to explain to the public from just WHERE you intend to get the other 96%?"
"Assemblywoman, you also claim that you cannot find anywhere in our Constitution where 'the federal government has the authority to be involved in our Medicare.'"
"Now, Constitutional Law Authority that you surely are, would you not also then agree that the U.S. Air Force, established by the National Security Act of 1947, is also 'unconstitutional,' since the Constitution only expressly authorizes an army and navy?"
"More broadly, would you simply agree that what counts as 'unconstitutional' to you is ANY law or SCOTUS decision with which you disagree, Constitutional Law Authority that you undeniably are?"
"Assemblywoman, you evaded the direct question regarding whether a minor female impregnated via rape by her father should be forced to bear the offspring of the crime, choosing to instead talk vaguely about how -- devout Christian you claim to be -- you'd counseled other teenagers facing 'difficult pregnancies' to 'make lemonade' out of their predicaments. Is it, then, your position as a secular legal matter, that the ovum fertilized by an act of incestual rape is a 'person' whose 'constitutional rights' trump those of the rape victim (4th and 14th Amendments notwithstanding)?"
"Assemblywoman, more broadly, you and people like you always talk about how 'life begins at conception.' Do you specifically mean that constitutional 'personhood' begins at that exact instant? (Hint: even arch-conservative SCOTUS Justice Antonin Scalia disagrees) And, if so, as a practical matter, how do you propose to enforce those rights? By perhaps making every pregnant female a ward of the jurisdiction of Child Protective Services agencies from conception to birth?"
"Would you care to clarify?"
"Assemblywoman, you have claimed that the separation of church and state is "unconstitutional." Would you care to clarify and expand on that, specifically regarding just to what extent religious organizations should be able to dictate federal legislation and policy?, And, more specifically, WHICH religious sects"
"Assemblywoman, you have stated that the BP oil disaster shows that even FURTHER deregulation of the oil industry is warranted, in order to spur more "domestic production." Would you care to share with us your understanding of the terms 'multinational corporations' and 'fungible commodity' as they apply to crude oil?"
"Assemblywoman, you say we should be doing nuclear waste reprocessing at Yucca Mt. and using that output to "fire nuclear plants at Yucca Mt." (your exact statement on your original website):
Are you aware that it's not licensed for that? It's legislated and NRC licensed-app'd for a waste repository, period. You'd have to amend the NWPA and submit new Environmental Impact Statements and NRC license apps?
Do you have any idea of the amount of water needed for nuclear power generation? There's a REASON they don't build them in arid places. Moreover, DOE has estimated that, to reprocess all of our civilian nuke waste, we would need two reprocessing plants at a construction outlay of $40 billion dollars or more (and they'd have to be located near ample nearby water sources), and that their operation would add about 10% to the average electric utility bill (or higher taxes).
Would you clarify?"
"Assemblywoman, your original website stated that 'The practice of legislators voting for unconstitutional laws has fostered cynical voter apathy and has underscored the corruption that is pervasive throughout America's government.'
Assemblywoman, what would you say to those who observe that laws passed by Congress (members all lawfully elected, btw) and signed by the President are presumptively 'lawful' and 'constitutional' unless subsequently struck down by SCOTUS? That THAT is what is known as constitutional lawful due process?"
Would you care to clarify your understanding?"
"Assemblywoman, you are on record characterizing climate change as 'an unscientific hysteria over the man-caused global warming hoax.' (your exact position on your original website). What, precisely, makes you dispositively qualified to summarily decide what is 'scientific' and what is not? What gives your opinion on the topic more weight than those of the many thousands of distinguished, apolitical scientists who actually work in the field, whose aggregate works contradict your view?"
"Would you please enlighten us?"
"Assemblywoman, you are on record as unequivocally stating that the '[T]he Department of Education is unconstitutional and should not be involved in education, at any level.'
"OK, given that the Department of Education was first established in 1867 as an office within the Interior Department, wherein it resided until 1972, after which it was then re-established in 1980 by Congress as a standalone federal entity -- AND, during all of this time was NEVER challenged before the Supreme Court as 'unconstitutional,' what, exactly is your basis for your claim? You are, after all, a distinguished Constitutional scholar, right?"
"Again, would you please enlighten us?"
As reported on August 9th:
"GOP Senate nominee Sharron Angle, during a media availability earlier Monday, argued 'certainly someone who has not come here under the rule of law is not under our jurisdiction,' aligning herself with prominent Republicans who have agitated for Capitol Hill action on what she and others call 'the anchor baby issue.'
'I think Congress needs to become involved,' Angle said at her campaign headquarters during a 15-minute Q and A with a handful of journalists."
"OK, Assemblywoman, [1] are you saying that someone in this country illegally who commits a crime (in addition to simply being here, e.g., say, robbery) is "not under our jurisdiction," and, consequently cannot be prosecuted for the crime? Or, that [2] an infant born here to illegals is "not under our jurisdiction."
Also, you say that "Congress needs to become involved."
But aren't they the ones who write all these "unconstitutional" laws? Precisely HOW would they become involved? Other than proffering a new Amendment repealing the 14th Amendment.
Good luck with that one. Yeah, that'll happen REALLY soon and be ratified straight away.
Also, btw, check with your supporter Sheriff Joe Arpaio about Arizona's inability to prosecute illegals who commit crimes in his state. It's an easily verified empirical matter as to how many illegals are in jail in Arizona in the wake of criminal convictions. Just Google "illegals in Arizona jails." Bring a Snickers, you're gonna be a while.
So much for "no jurisdiction."
"Assemblywoman, you told a gathering in Mesquite, Nevada in late September that 'Dearborn, Michigan, and Frankford, Texas are on American soil, and under Constitutional law. Not Sharia law. And I don't know how that happened in the United States. It seems to me there is something fundamentally wrong with allowing a foreign system of law to even take hold in any municipality or government situation in our United States.'
"Are you claiming that these cities have incorporated Sharia Law into their legal codes? Would you clarify that confusing statement, please, and give us examples of the exact statutes?"
OCT 13TH UPDATE (as reported in the LV Sun):
...On what evidence she had to assert that Islamic religious law, or “sharia,” had taken hold of Dearborn, Mich., and Frankford, Texas:
"All I had was just some articles that I read, there were some things that were happening, that indicated that there might be some things like that going on," Angle said.
Well, shit, what other standards of proof does one need in their senator?
"Assemblywoman, your original website states the following: 'Sharron Angle’s overall political philosophy is that proper government exists only by the consent of the governed and government must be restrained from intruding into the freedoms of its citizens.'
"Except, it would seem from your subsequent public statements, where the intrusion by the state involves forcing a raped and impregnated minor female to bear the progeny of the crime. Can you explain this apparent contradiction?"
"Assemblywoman, your original website states the following: 'The rule of law is America’s foundation. The oath of office, to protect and defend the constitution, is a sacred trust. Sharron Angle honors both the law and the oath.'
"But, if an election outcome is not to your liking, then armed violence against lawfully constituted authority is OK? Would you care to explain the cognitive dissonance here?"
"Assemblywoman, your original website states the following: 'Sharron Angle honors both the law and the oath and will reject back door deals and closed secret meetings.'
OK, very noble. But, you are now heard on tape (November 3rd) offering to use your "juice" with key DC Republicans on behalf of NV Tea Party candidate Scott Ashjian if he'll agree to stand aside and get out of your way, e.g., that your movement 'gives me juice. That’s really all I can offer to you (Ashjian) is whatever juice I have, you have as well…You want to see DeMint, I have juice with him….I go to Washington, DC and want to see Jim DeMint, he’s right there for me. I want to see Tom Coburn, he’s right there for me. I want to see Mitch McConnell, he’s there.'
Would you care to clarify this apparent inconsistency for us, Assemblywoman?

October 19th update
'...in response to a student's question asking the GOP Senate candidate why her television ads appear to portray all illegal immigrants as Latino. "I think that you're misinterpreting those commercials. I'm not sure that those are Latinos in that commercial. What it is, is a fence and there are people coming across that fence. What we know is that our northern border is where the terrorists came through," said Angle in response...'

Silly me, I'd forgotten all about that border fence with Canada. And, these dudes could not be more obviously "Asians" sneaking through it at night.
My analytic post-mortem? Six words: Scary Mexicans Disguised as Asian Terrorists. The final six nails in the gaffe-lined coffin, IMO.
2012 update
The Turd That Just Won't Flush.